Day 11: Recollecting

 Monday, May 22, 2023

Today was the first day really that I had the time to really collect my thoughts all together and look back at all that I’ve done for the past 2 weeks. It is nothing short of astonishing

I spent the early going to my first target trip of the entire project to buy resources necessary for my presentation such as sharpies, scissors, tape, and a trifold poster board. This is essential for me to convey what have learned and portray what I learned to the Proctor community. Afterwards, I spent a long time texting people and collecting past research about the Houston Food Bank and putting it all in 1 big Google doc. The Google doc included pictures, quotes on why people volunteer, and the statistics of how many people the Houston Food Bank helps out. Later on, I started planning a layout on my poster board so that everything is organized and clear so that my message is clear in relation to the goal of my project. I spent the rest of the day working on the board and I am super happy with the end result. I’m just hoping this poster board fits in my suitcase if not I am in danger as got nothing to present back at Proctor!

On a more sentimental side, I am super sad that I am leaving Houston tomorrow, this place has given me more love than I had expected in the first place and I’m so thankful I decided to volunteer for the Houston Food Bank. Hopefully, in the future, I get the chance to come back here and meet familiar faces!

Hours Today: 6 hours

Total Hours: 82 hours


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