Day 3: The more the Merrier

 Wednesday, May 10, 2023

I was very thrilled about today since I now feel like I'm no longer a 'newbie' after just two days and know how things operate; unfortunately, the sound of pounding rain met me this morning, which definitely represented my attitude and made me not want to leave home. Thankfully, I departed, and when I arrived at the food bank, there had to be at least 60 to 70 people present, which was the largest turnout ever. We set right to work, organizing 10 pallets of turnips, radishes, and potatoes into boxes. This was a very basic activity, but it was quite labour-intensive due to the amount of heavy box carrying and arm movement necessary. We finished everything in an hour and a half, which surprised me because the scale on those pallets was massive and I anticipated staying here for much longer. Following that, we entered another assembly line, this time for veggies that would be distributed to homes. Another producing line, this time for vegetables that would be delivered to people's homes. Six red onions, twelve carrots, one head of cauliflower, eight potatoes, eight limes, one turnip, berries, and tomatoes were on the assembly line. We gave each other nicknames, and I ended up becoming the "flower boy" since I was the youngest in the room; I didn't mind because I saw it as them calling me free-spirited. Again, we completed the assembly line and produced 1325 servings of veggies, enough to serve 1325 in-need households. We completed it so quickly that our group leader was able to depart early for the first time in a long time because we still had an hour before lunch. After lunch, I was sent to the kitchen, where we prepared rice with meat gravy and corn. But, unlike yesterday, we had so many workers that we breezed through even a more complex meal like this. What I did learn was that we ran out of rice before we could achieve our objective because we over-portioned our rice while the chefs only prepared the precise quantity of rice required, thus that is a lesson I learned to demonstrate the importance of portioning. We were able to give 1297 servings of food to children today, and I truly believed that "the more people we have, the more productive we are." I went back at around 5 PM and decided to do my own personal research on the rates of malnutrition of the children in Houston through the Houston food bank website as I want to make an infographic to express my discoveries during the express fest.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow and hoping for a big turnout again!

Hours: 9 hours

Total Hours: 23 hours

Me in action!
So many people !


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