Day 4: Time Flies

 Thursday, May 11, 2023

Have you ever heard of the phrase “time flies when you’re having fun” I always knew this was a thing, but I never knew I could have fun doing labour, especially for 8 hours. Now I’m already back, I could’ve sworn I only just arrived at the food bank an hour ago.

I started my day at 8:00 AM something I am starting to get familiarized with now and was put straight into a rice production assembly line, it was the same old rice assembly line, yet I got to meet an entirely new group of people. This time it was a group of people my age. On my assembly line, I met a kid named Noah and he was a senior in high school too just like me having to complete 75 hours of volunteering before graduating. We talked about college and our future while filling the rice into bags and then vacuum sealing it becomes a routine for our hands. At the end of just a mere 2 hours, we were able to completely finish up 2 pallets filled to the brim with rice bags which equates to making 2133 meals. Noah and I looked at each other shocked as it didn’t feel like 2 hours yet we were able to provide to so many people. After a quick break, we were able to repeat the same feat again, like omg this is what the power of humans working together can do! In my afternoon shift, I went into the Houston food bank’s CRC (community resource centre) where a group of 6 picked the vegetables we want of what was available in the centre to pack and give out to the seniors of Houston. My group picked cabbage, apples, onions, oranges and sweet potatoes, so over the next 4 hours we aimed to make around 1000 boxes, This time I was on onion duty. Noah was on apple duty right next to me, just like Deja Vu a series of conversations lead our hands to go into autopilot and before we knew it we have completed well above 1500 boxes and had run out of sweet potatoes. I can’t wait to meet with Noah again tomorrow and recreate the feat we did today!

Hours Today: 8 hours

Total Hours: 31 hours

Me and Noah in the red!


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